Wujood is an animated tapestry woven together through a mosaic of electronic components. Illuminated by thousands of LED bulbs, the piece serves as a visual ode to the rooted nature of the Arabic language, emulating the fractal intricacies observed in nature—from the smallest seed to the farthest star. The piece straddles traditional craft and technology presenting unfolding words through the rhythmic glow of LED panels. It embarks on a linguistic journey, commencing with the trilateral root Wajad, unfolding into expressions of Wujood (being or existence) and Wijdan (awareness or consciousness). The Arabic script, often simplified in form to accommodate 20th-century technological constraints, has sometimes lost its spiritual resonance in the process. Wujood draws inspiration from the repetitive and mirrored patterns inherent in the universe, inviting viewers to contemplate the essence of their own being in connection with the cosmic order.
Concept & Art Direction: Basma Hamdy (TypeAraby) & Levi Hammett (XLab) .
Typographic development and design: Basma Hamdy, Shima Aeinehdar and Selma Fejzullaj
Electronics and Software: Levi Hammett and Martin Juras
Design Assistant: Lana Selo
Comissioned by Arab Design Now, Doha Design Biennale, 2024